Monday, February 11, 2008

Baby Carly's First Handmedowns = My First Baby Clothes Laundry!!!

CHECK IT OUT!!! Baby Carly scored BIG today with her first batch of handmedown clothes, compliments of my friend Lori who used to work at GSK.

There was about 15-16 outfits in the bag, most of which are 3 months with a few 6-9 months. There is not a single stain or tear or mark on any of these clothes, and the outfits are adorable!!!

As you can see from the top picture, there's even a onesie with a giraffe on it. Baby Carly's Mom has turned into quite the giraffe freak. And there are 2 outfits with little monkeys, which is Storm's favorite. Couldn't be any more perfect.

A HUGE THANK YOU TO LORI!!! (She's also the one who got me the free crib and glider that you see in the nursery pictures.)

I've already washed these clothes in Dreft (Mary ... thank you for telling me that you shouldn't wash baby clothes in regular detergent!) and ironed them (yes, really) and hung them in Baby Carly's closet. Definitely the highlight of the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - Baby Carly did score big ! They are all adorable & how appropriate with the pink and the giraffe/monkeys ! I will be sending something soon to add to her new wardrobe !