Saturday, April 5, 2008

Baby Carly's First Week

Hello everyone!!!

Just a quick blog entry to let everyone know that Baby Carly and I have had a wonderful first week together. She's an absolute angel and never cries or fusses. Sleeps all the time. And I'm recovering quite nicely from my c-section.

And Mandy is doing very well with the adjustment as well!

The pictures above are Baby Carly's "first day" photos that were taken at the hospital.

And here's a link to an assortment of other photos from our first week together.

Anita and I will soon be working on migrating this pregnancy blog into a long-term Carly web site. The address will be I'll send out a blast email once it has officially launched.

That's all the time and energy that I have for now. I have to go wake up Miss Carly for her midnight feeding.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jen,
Glad to know things are going so well. I can't believe she sleeps so much! Lucky You. Give that cute baby a kiss for me, and keep the pictures coming. (I know you will)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jen! Carly is just so beautiful. I'm so happy for you. Hope you are sleeping in every spare moment! xoxo Paula

Anonymous said...

Congrats from the Farleys. You must be *really* busy since the postings have disappeared! Hope you're getting some sleep. Best of luck on the major transition into mom-hood.