Tuesday, November 13, 2007

4-Month Belly Shot

Here I am at exactly 4 months.

I haven't decided yet if I'm brave or stupid to be posting pregnancy pictures wearing a leotard on the internet, but since you are reading this I have already found the courage to click on the "publish post" button. I'm taking comfort in the thought that the only people going to this site will be friends and family who like me.

And as you can see, I am definitely showing. I actually look like I'm carrying two babies ... one in my belly and the other in my butt.

Even though the doctor says I haven't gained too much weight I can see the result of substituting naps for exercise. This picture does provide the motivation to try and get some more walking worked into my schedule somehow.

So, brave or stupid, I'm planning to do a belly shot at 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 months. I hope the kid will someday get a kick out of seeing these photos to document his/her progression toward birth.

Stay tuned...


Unknown said...

I think you look pretty damn good girl!! And to add to the fact that you're 4 months along! Amazing :)


Restaurant PR Guy said...

We think you look wonderful and could not be happier for you!

Derek & Tracy